Cervical cancer is the term health is cervical cancer (Cervical Cancer) is a cancer that occurs in the uterine cervix, an area in the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus) and Organ Vital Woman intercourse.
Cervical cancer is caused by some type of virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The virus is spread through sexual contact, HPV can affect all women in every time regardless of age or lifestyle. Many women with a good immune system to fight HPV infection by itself. However, sometimes the virus leads to the occurrence of cancer.
In Indonesia, Cervical Cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer of women in Indonesia is currently the highest. (Pdpersi). "Every woman in his life at risk for a virus that causes cervical cancer", especially for those at high risk of smoking, gave birth to many children, use birth control pills for long periods, as well as those infected with HIV-Aids. (MedlinePlus)
How cervical cancer occur
Like all cancers, cervical cancers occur characterized by the growth of cells on the cervix which is not unusual (abnormal). But before these cells become cancer cells, there are some changes experienced by these cells. Changes in these cells usually take up many years before the cells had been transformed into cancer cells. During this time the right treatment will soon be able to stop the abnormal cells before they turn into cancer cells.
Detecting Cervical Cancer
The cells are abnormal presence can be detected by a test called a "Pap smear test", so the earlier the abnormal cells were detected, the lower the risk of someone suffering from cervical cancer. Pap smear is a test that is safe and inexpensive and has been used for many years to detect abnormalities that occur in cells of the cervix.
Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
In general, signs and symptoms are Organ Vital Woman bleeding after sexual activity or between menstrual periods. Meanwhile, another sign that may arise include:
1. Loss of appetite and weight
2. Pelvic bone pain and spinal
3. Pain in the limbs (legs)
4. Swelling of the leg area
5. Accompanying the discharge of urine through the Organ Vital Woman feaces
6. Up to the hip fracture
Cervical cancer is caused by some type of virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The virus is spread through sexual contact, HPV can affect all women in every time regardless of age or lifestyle. Many women with a good immune system to fight HPV infection by itself. However, sometimes the virus leads to the occurrence of cancer.
In Indonesia, Cervical Cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer of women in Indonesia is currently the highest. (Pdpersi). "Every woman in his life at risk for a virus that causes cervical cancer", especially for those at high risk of smoking, gave birth to many children, use birth control pills for long periods, as well as those infected with HIV-Aids. (MedlinePlus)
How cervical cancer occur
Like all cancers, cervical cancers occur characterized by the growth of cells on the cervix which is not unusual (abnormal). But before these cells become cancer cells, there are some changes experienced by these cells. Changes in these cells usually take up many years before the cells had been transformed into cancer cells. During this time the right treatment will soon be able to stop the abnormal cells before they turn into cancer cells.
Detecting Cervical Cancer
The cells are abnormal presence can be detected by a test called a "Pap smear test", so the earlier the abnormal cells were detected, the lower the risk of someone suffering from cervical cancer. Pap smear is a test that is safe and inexpensive and has been used for many years to detect abnormalities that occur in cells of the cervix.
Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
In general, signs and symptoms are Organ Vital Woman bleeding after sexual activity or between menstrual periods. Meanwhile, another sign that may arise include:
1. Loss of appetite and weight
2. Pelvic bone pain and spinal
3. Pain in the limbs (legs)
4. Swelling of the leg area
5. Accompanying the discharge of urine through the Organ Vital Woman feaces
6. Up to the hip fracture
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