Difference Between Disease Cysts, Tumors and Cancer

Friday, May 11, 20120 comments

CancerCysts are usually walled cavity pathological connective tissue and contains fluid or semi-viscous liquid Kisat can be in soft or hard tissue like bone. Cavity of the cyst in the oral cavity epithelium is always limited.

Ovarian cysts are cysts that grow in the formation ovarrium be because of various reasons. The cause of this will then will determine the type of cyst. Among some ovarian cysts, follicular type is the type most widely ditemukan.Cairan cyst that fills most of the cyst form of blood coming out due to injury that occurs in the small blood vessels of the ovary. In some cases, cysts may also be filled by abnormal body tissues such as hair and teeth.

HealthTumor is a lump or swelling, so any abnormal lumps in our body can be called a tumor, regardless of whether benign or malignant. But the layman, means the growth of tumor cells that are benign. Tumors do not spread, the tumor grows in one place and continue to grow.

Tumor (Latin; swelling) pointed to an abnormal mass of tissue, but can be "malignant" (cancerous) or "benign" (not cancerous). Cancer = malignant tumor

Pregnancy with myoma uteri may result in miscarriage, while pregnant with ovarian cysts large enough to have a twisted cyst is an acute condition, and may be blocking the baby to be born normal. Myoma of the uterus can interfere with pregnancy, which cause abnormal fetal position (transverse fetal position). In women who are not pregnant, myomas can cause abnormalities, ie abnormal menstruation (periods become irregular or multiply). It really depends on the size and location of myomas.

HealthCancer is a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell division and the ability of these cells to invade other biological tissue, either by direct growth in the adjacent tissue (invasion) or by migration of cells to distant sites (metastasis). Uncontrolled growth is caused by damage to DNA, causing mutations in vital genes that control cell division. Several pieces of mutations might be required for transforming normal cells into cancer cells. These mutations are often caused by chemical or physical agents called carcinogens. Mutations can occur spontaneously (acquired) or inherited (germline mutations).

So it means an abnormal growth of cancer cells that are malignant, invasive, damaging the surrounding tissue, spread and grow quickly.
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