5 Types of Worm That Causes Disease In Children

Thursday, May 17, 20120 comments

Worms is still a major health problem of children of Indonesia. Poor sanitation and lack of awareness of a clean lifestyle are two major factors causing the high prevalence of intestinal worms. Here are the five most common types of worms that infect humans.

Worms can not be taken lightly because it could interfere with the process of child development. In fact, the level of intelligence of a child can go down two digits due to infestation of worms.
What about the worms? Ketubuh worms enter humans through contaminated food or drinks worm eggs. Generally, stomach worms to live in the small intestine because of the many foods that are inside. In addition there are also worms that live in a big stomach.

This worm Types of children contracting the disease that causes intestinal worms :

1. Ascaris Lumbricoides
Roundworms are the most common worms that infect humans. Adult roundworms measuring 10-30 cm with a thickness of a pencil and can live for up to 1 to 2 years.

Roundworm's life cycle:
Roundworm is spread through contaminated food and drink egg. When a group of worm eggs swallowed and enters the intestine, they hatch into larvae. Larvae then circulated through the intestinal wall, into the lungs through the bloodstream. During this phase, symptoms such as coughing (even coughing worms) can occur. Of the lungs, the larvae climb up through the bronchial tubes to the throat, where they are then ingested through saliva. Larvae then return to the small intestine to grow into adulthood, mating, and laying eggs in 2 months after the eggs hatch.
A female worm can produce up to 240 000 eggs in a day, which is then discharged into the feces and hatch in the ground. Children are very susceptible to roundworm infection because they tend to put things in their mouths, including the land, and are often less able to keep clean than adults.
Mild intestinal worms usually do not cause symptoms. New symptoms appear in a severe intestinal worms. Children are more likely than adults to experience gastrointestinal disorders and symptoms of malnutrition. Bloated stomach and lethargy / lack of enthusiasm could be a sign that children exposed to severe roundworm infection.

2. Enterobius vermicularis kremi
As with roundworms, pinworms or pinworm infects only humans, you can not get infected with this worm from pets.

Pinworm life cycle:
Pinworm eggs can stick to your hands through human waste. When your hands are contaminated into your mouth, the eggs can enter the body, hatch in the small intestine and move down into the large intestine. There pinworms attach to the intestinal wall and feed. When they were ready to lay eggs, and egg-laying worms move to the fold of skin around the anus. You might suspect that's when exposed to worms because it felt the itching around the anus (pruritus) is usually more intense at night. It took about a month of ingesting worm eggs to experience itching in the anus. Adult pinworms sized 3-10 mm so that it can be seen with the naked eye.

Pinworm eggs can survive up to three weeks. Because of its very small, you can not see it so it can be accidentally infected with when using the clothes, mattresses, pillows, toys, paper money, eating utensils, or equipment shower / toilet.
To ascertain whether the itching caused by pinworms, you can put a piece of masking tape on the anus. All the worms or the eggs will stick to the tape. Then bring the tape to the doctor for examination.

3. Taenia saginata dan Taenia solium
Tapeworms are parasites of man and animals. There are two types of tapeworm that made ​​man as a host of permanent and host:

a. Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata)
Taenia saginata is a giant among all parasitic worms. Taenia saginata length can reach 8 feet, most of the adult human gastrointestinal tract. Tapeworm is pale white, with no mouth, no anus and no digestive tract. Her body is hollow and is composed of segments of size 1X1, 5 cm. Taenia saginata can live to 25 years in the intestines of their host.

Taenia saginata life cycle:
Beef tapeworm has a complicated cycle and end up in humans as its permanent host. Adult tapeworms release her eggs with her body segment. This segment when it dries on the outside air will release the eggs of worms that can be consumed by the cattle while grazing. Cow's digestive enzymes to make the eggs hatch and release the zygote which then penetrate the mucosal lining of the digestive tract to enter the blood circulation. Of blood vessels, the zygote will settle to form cysts in the muscles, such as whipworm. When beef is eaten by humans contain cysts in raw or undercooked circumstances, digestive enzymes break down the cyst and releases the worm larvae. Next, the worm larvae that attach to the small intestine would grow up to 5 meters in three months.
In addition to nutrition, the presence of tapeworm generally causes mild to moderate abdominal symptoms (nausea, pain, etc.).

b. Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)
Taenia solium Taenia saginata is a close relative who has a similar life cycle, but the intermediary host is the pig. Humans are infected by eating pork containing Taenia solium cysts. This worm is slightly smaller than Taenia saginata (3-4 m in length), but more dangerous. Taenia saginata differ by only forming cysts in cattle, Taenia solium also develop cysts in the human body that swallow eggs. Cysts can form in the eye, brain or muscle, causing serious problems. Furthermore, if the parasite kills the body, calcium salts that form in which they will form a small rock in soft tissue which is also detrimental to health.

4. Trichinella Spiralis
Whipworm is transmitted through the consumption of animal meat containing larvae of this worm. Whipworm adults reach a length of about 1-2 mm.
Whipworm life cycle:

Humans become infected by eating raw or undercooked meat from infected animals, especially pigs, wild boar, and bear. Larvae then enter the small intestine, penetrate the mucosa, and become adults in 6-8 days. Adult female worms release larvae that can survive up to 6 weeks. Newborn larvae migrate through the bloodstream and body tissues, but eventually only survive in striated skeletal muscle cells. Larvae mengkista (encyst) completely in 1-2 months and lived up to several years as an intracellular parasite. Larvae that died eventually absorbed back of the body. This cycle continues only if the larvae are ingested by mengkista other carnivores.
Early symptoms of whipworm infection include edema, muscle aches, and fever.

5. Ancylostoma duodenale dan Necator americanus
Hookworms can infect humans and other mammals such as cats and dogs.

Hookworm life cycle:
Adult hookworms in the human small intestine, where they attach themselves to the intestinal wall with their mouths. They eat the blood and cause bleeding in the gut that is occupied.

Female worms produce eggs, which are released through the stool. If the stool falls to the ground, and warm weather, eggs will hatch into larvae in about two days. Larvae then grow up in a week, and can survive for long periods if conditions favor. Larvae that get in contact with bare feet will penetrate the human skin of the foot and into the lungs through the blood circulation. Larvae then move into the airways to the throat and swallowed. They headed into the small intestine. Larvae then attach to the intestinal wall and develop into adult worms. At about the age of five months, the worms begin to produce eggs.

Hookworm infection is usually no specific symptoms. Anemia (blood deficiency) and inflammatory bowel related complaints such as nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea are some symptoms that may arise.
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