Breast Cancer - Breast Cancer Treatment without surgery

Saturday, May 12, 20120 comments

Breast cancer without surgery Cancer is a condition where the cells have lost normal control mechanisms, so that the growth of abnormal, rapid and uncontrolled.
In addition, breast cancer (Mammary Carcinoma) is defined as a disease of malignant neoplasms that originate from the parenchyma. The disease is by the Word Health Organization (WHO) is inserted into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) with code number 17.

Symptoms of breast cancer - breast cancer treatment without surgery

Clinical symptoms of breast cancer may include:

Lump in the breast

Usually a painless lump in the breast. The lump was small initially, the longer it will be even greater, and then attached to the skin or cause changes in the skin of the breast or the nipple.

Erosion or the nipple eczema

Skin or nipple had to be pulled in (retracted), pink or brown to be edema of the skin to look like an orange peel (peau d'orange), contract, or ulcers (ulcers) in the breast. Borok was the longer it will be even greater and deeper so that it can destroy the entire breast, often malodorous, and bleed easily. Other characteristics include:

Bleeding on the nipple.
Pain or pain in general only emerged when the tumor is large, have ulcers, or when it appears metastases to the bones.
Then comes the enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, swelling (edema) in the arm, and the spread of cancer throughout the body (Handoyo, 1990).

Advanced breast cancer is very easily recognized by knowing operbilitas Heagensen following criteria:
  • Tthere is extensive edema of the breast skin (over 1/3 area of ​​the breast skin);
  • Satellite nodules in the skin of the breast;
  • Breast cancer types of mastitis karsinimatosa;
  • There parasternal models;
  • There supraclavicular nodule;
  • Edema of the arm;
  • Presence of distant metastases;
and there are two of the signs of locally advanced, namely skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed to the thoracic wall, axillary lymph node 2.5 cm in diameter, and axillary lymph nodes attached to one another.

Discharge (discharge Nipple)
Nipple discharge is the discharge from the nipple spontaneously and not normal. Discharge is normal in the event in women who are pregnant, breastfeeding and contraceptive pill users. A woman should be alert if the nipple discharge of bloody watery liquid with red or brown, out on his own without having to massage the nipple, continues, only in one breast (unilateral), and liquids other than breast milk.

drugs for the treatment of breast cancer without operasiXamthone plus mangosteen peel is a drug that has proved successful as a drug for the treatment of breast cancer without surgery.

Xamthone kaker plus drug-treated breast without surgery in a modern made from mangosteen peel extract. As is known to contain xanthones in mangosteen are so high that could help cure breast kaker.

It is no coincidence that the drug kaker xamthone breast plus mangosteen juice can be a solution for the treatment of breast kaker is attested by recent studies:

"RESULTS IN TAIWAN HO et al, 2002 concluded that GARCINONE E MANGOSTEEN SKIN CELLS CAN OVERCOME Cancer breast, lung, and stomach" dikutif enormity of the book to quell the disease mangosteen, essay, Dr. Ir Raffi Paramawati, MSi "

Journal of Pharmacology, publish that xanthone having an anti-cancer effects such as prostate cancer, blood cancer (leukeumia), and breast cancer. In addition, xanthone has many health benefits such as cardiovascular health, especially to overcome heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and platelets. Xanthones also widens blood vessels and blood circulation memeperlancar. Mangosteen is also rich in mineral potassium, which helps metabolize energy.

Properties of xanthone is not just an antioxidant, but also anticancer like Moongkarndi research. Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University researchers were testing the xanthone in preclinical research with alias SKBR3 human breast cancer cell cultures. The result? Mangosteen peel extract is a powerful antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition it is also extracts apoptosis or support the destruction of cancer cells.

Mangosteen (queen of fruits) is a nutritious fruit commodities for health and beauty because it has antioxidants that capture free radicals and prevent cell damage that hampered the process of cell degeneration. Antioxidant found in mangosteen peel called Xanthones. Levels reached 123.97 mg per ml. Xanthones are not the only antioxidant properties but also anticancer.

Mangosteen peel extract that is antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition it is also extracts apoptosis of cancer cell destruction. Xanthones are able to treat some types of cancer such as breast kaker, gastrointestinal, lung, etc.. Xanthones in mangosteen peel too powerful to overcome the disease Tuberculosis (TB), asthma, leukemia, inflammatory and antidiarrheal. Other benefits of mangosteen as an antifungal and antibacterial that cause acne.
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